West Pomerania Shorts
Szczecin Film Festival 2021: 17.10.2021, Sunday, 15:00
Kino Zamek, Korsarzy 34 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: WestPomerania Cinema '21
2021 marks the 11th anniversary of West Pomerania SHORTS. The idea behind the competition is to present the most interesting out of the newest film productions from our region. The competition has no other limitations when it comes to their form or content. You may find fiction, documentaries, animation, music videos or even – as in the previous years – experimental film. For this competition we accept productions on any topic. This year we will present 9 excellent films from 2020-2021, which were created by authors connected to our voivodeship. The competition winner will be chosen by the audience and by the festival juror. The section will be completed by a meeting with the authors of film productions.
The awards for the winners had been funded by the OFFicyna Association.
- Humanoid12
“Humanoid” is a film about searching for oneself in a world full of beings that replace thinking. The idea comes from observation of changes occurring in technology, which – although it facilitates the actions undertaken by man and makes everyday life easier – can take away much more than it seems throughout years. The main idea was not to let a non-emotional being completely take over the world.
- I don't know where I am / Nie wiem gdzie jestem22
The film is about the biggest enemy of memory – oblivion. It is a search for an answer to the question: who is a person without their identity? Anna, an 89-year-old woman, cannot function on her own due to progressive Alzheimer’s disease and lives with her family. The film shows the attempt of the family members to adapt to the situation. It is a search for their loved person, whom the disease made a complete stranger.
- Kuty: Mystery / Kuty: Tajemnica4
Searching for his four-year-old daughter, the father comes across a mysterious man who tells him the secret behind the disappearance of his child. The man is called on walkie-talkie, walks away and gets killed by a monster, and the father continues his search during which he finds out that the monster was actually his daughter.
- Luna10
Teenage Luna makes a difficult decision, forcing her parents to have an honest conversation and to fight their demons.
- Obiekt 1711
Year 2030. The first prototype of artificial intelligence is under development. Tests are being conducted on so-called “subjects.” Desmond decides to take part in an experiment testing such technology. He comes across problems which no regular human being can solve. Scientists who accompany him during this process guide him through a number of trials, which are set by “KARA.”
- Podwózka7
A fifty-year-old mummy’s boy drives his mummy to her friend in need. They are both aware of the gravity of the situation, and they are trying to get there as quickly as possible – but, instead of getting closer, with every kilometre the destination point seems further away...
- Story about why devil limps / Ajtia o tym, dlaczego diabeł kuleje6
A long, long time ago, in the meadows of paradise, God was grazing his sheep. The devil grazed his goats nearby and wanted to take the sheep from God. The plot of the story is based on folk tales explaining this incredibly important fact from the devil’s life.
- Supra Lunam7
In the ancient abyss the current of the dark river takes human souls towards the dim light of the moon. “Supra Lunam” is an animated music video created to Karol Szymanowski’s composition “Étude Op. 4 No. 3.” The project is, in a way, a tribute to the prominent composer, its goal also being the promotion of Polish classical music in an innovative form, merging the recording of live music with computer animation. The project was produced as part of the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage grant program – Kultura w sieci 2020.
- Your coffee will get cold / Kawa ci wystygnie10
The film is a recording of one day and a long conversation between the young director and her grandma. A conversation about things you do not normally talk about. About concerns for the future, politics, and ideals that are seemingly irreconcilable.
Associated artists
- Jakub Romanowski
A student of cultural management at the University of Szczecin. Passionate about sports and cinema. Jakub got interested in film at the age of four, when he first saw a fragment of the fourth part of “Star Wars.” Watching films is not only his hobby, it is also a source of knowledge which helps him in mastering his editing and directing skills. “Trener” is his first fiction film, in which he attempts to briefly present the world of sport.
read more - Joanna Suchożebrska
Graduate of the faculties: “Experimental Film” at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, “Film and Audiovisual Arts” at the Social Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and “New Film Studies” at SWPS. On a daily basis she deals with film editing. Her editing credits include the documentary “Wiatr we włosach” and the war movie “Wojna się skończyła”. She worked on the TV programs “The Voice of Poland” and “The Voice Kids” in the post-production department. In addition, she often grabs her camera and expresses her artistic soul in the form of photos and recordings by making her own short films. One of them is her previous film from the experimental cinema genre, entitled “Humanoid”.
read more - Kasia Zimnoch, Paweł Kleszczewski
A Polish duo of filmmakers and visual artists. Both MA graduates from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland. In 2013, they established animation production studio Konik in Cavan, Ireland. Their works have been presented at over fifty international film festivals and arts festivals, winning awards and distinctions, including festivals: Fano in Italy, Clones in Ireland and Pilsen in Czech Republic. In 2018, they received prestigious “Young Poland” Bursary funded by Polish Culture and National Heritage Ministry. They were artists in residency in Sweden, Ireland, Estonia and Germany.
read more - Krzysztof Jerzy Śmierzchała
born in Szczecin in 1982. „Podwózka” to drugi film reżysera. Poprzedni obraz „Co roku” został zaprezentowany na kilku krajowych festiwalach, zdobywając m.in. I nagrodę na Festiwalu Filmowe Zwierciadła w Ostrołęce (2015). Most of both films were shot in Szczecin.
read more - Krzysztof Warpachowicz
Filmmaker, actor, author of videos, photos and cinematography, as well as video and photo essays. Awarded at many film competitions organised in the West Pomeranian Voivideship. He comes from Połczyn Zdrój, he lives in Mierzyn. Graduated from Marie Skłodowska-Curie secondary school (I Liceum Ogólnokształcące) in Szczecin. Currently studies information technology at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.
read more - Mariusz Kleszczewski
Graduated from the Academy of Film & Television (AFiT) in Warsaw. He does animation and television production. He cooperates with the Warsaw Philharmonic, specialising in the production of live streams of classical music. He collaborates with animation studio Konik, whose films were shown at over fifty international film festivals, winning awards and distinctions.
read more - Michał Marks
He can walk in the forest all day looking for inspiration for his next movie. Nature is what inspires him the most; when he’s close to nature, he feels spiritually fulfilled. He has wanted to make movies ever since he can remember, it seems like the only sensible way to talk about things that he finds important.
read more - Roman Heimrot
Born on September 28th, 1994, he began his tryst with filmmaking in 2009. For many years he created films for fun, often not publishing them anywhere. The real adventure began in 2017, when he was taken under the wing of 24fps – a company that makes advertisements. Eighteen months later he moved from Szczecin to Zielona Góra, where he finished a year-long film school and worked as a camera operator for Gorzów Wielkopolski television. Currently he lives in Szczecin, working as a camera operator for Polsat News television and developing his film skills.
read more - Teresa Kurowska
Attends film studies and audiovisual culture at the University of Gdańsk. She turns her great social sensitivity into documentary films, although she is also interested in other fields of art – music, painting and writing. She is happy when she dances, sees the sea and spends time with her loved ones.
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how to get there
- 12:00 - 13:00, ONLINE, SeFF Mini – Panel “New Media – Children and Youth” vol.1
- 13:15 - 14:15, ONLINE, SeFF Mini – Panel “New Media – Children and Youth” vol.2
- 15:00 - 17:30, Kino Zamek, West Pomerania Shorts
- 16:00 - 17:30, INKU Inkubator Sektorów Kreatywnych, SeFF Mini – Knighthood Workshops vol.2
- 17:30 - 20:00, Kino Zamek, The European Competition Block 4
- 20:00 - 22:30, Kino Zamek, The European Competition Block 5