Paul Daniel Torres

Paul-Daniel Torres-Canessa, is a 19 year old, director and writer hailing from Toronto, Ontario. The themes he wishes to touch upon in his films are those of unity in crisis and rebellion against corrupt power. His films are usually influenced by the political climate, and the media he enjoys. Coming from a Latin background he strides to make a platform for other Latin-Canadian film makers and be a voice for the voiceless. He wants to make films that inspire and motivate people to be better people and make a better world. The music was made by Paul Daniel Torres, his cinematographer, and sound mixer Stéphan André Guschewski.
- "Sit Down, Rise Up", D: Paul Daniel Torres, CI: Robin Johnston, CA 20174’33”
Sit-Down, Rise Up. Is a musically charged film about unity through individuality and how important it is in the fight against the abuse of power. Inspired by the anthem scene in Casablanca, Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton and "The Get Down." The film is about a classroom in a dystopian world void of individuality ruled by an abusive teacher, who forces his students to drum the beat of a metronome on their desks. After one student is abused for being off beat, one student drums a different best in defiance rallying her fellow students to finally stand up for themselves.