Marco Speroni

Has written and directed a number of shorts and feature films, both fiction and documentary. Among his works: “An April Afternoon” (Venice Film Festival 1995), “What Love Got To Do With It” (1997) winner of international festivals along the best screenplay at the Solinas Award. Among the many documentaries he filmed on social issues and human.
Outside (2018)
2 Girls / 2 Ragazze (2016)
Migrants from Bangladesh and Ethiopia (2014)
In Hell’s Heart (2011)
Parma d’altri tempi (1992)
Guido Mazzoni (1992)
Past events
- 21.10.2022, 20:00 - 22:30, Kino Zamek, The European Competition'22 Blok 1
- "2 Ragazze" D: Marco Speroni, CI: Riccardo Russo, ED: Federico Schiavi, IT 201652'
Lota and Tigist are two girls living in two very different countries, Bangladesh and Ethiopia. They were both born in rural areas, they both faced poverty or abuses. The only option was to run away. Next destinations were the mega-cities of Dhaka and Addis Ababa. They embark on incredibly harsh journeys through which they meet their destinies. They both fight for a life that, maybe tomorrow, will be better.
- A Declaration of Love2021 | 62' | ITA
The trembling starts in his neck when Markus is getting closer to the images that have chased him for 49 years. Now he steers his motor home south, as far away from his past as possible. The images come without any warning. First a tingling in the neck, then the trembling spreads through Markus’ whole body. The abuse happened over 45 years ago, but only now can Markus put it into words. With his motor home, the 55-year-old always keeps moving, just so he doesn't spend too long thinking. A daily struggle for survival between the past and the view of the ocean horizon.