Maciej Jankowski

Born in 1991 in Warsaw. Graduated from culture studies at the University of Warsaw, currently 5th year student of film directing at the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź. For the film “We get along beautifully”, he received the award for Best Documentary, Best Editing, and Artur Liebhart’s special award at the Festival of Lodz Film School student films “Łodzią po Wiśle.”
Past events
- 24.10.2020, 17:30 - 19:30, EVENT ONLINE, European Competition Blok 2
- "Pięknie nam się układa" D, CI: Maciej Jankowski, ED: Agata Cierniak, PL 201627’30”
Kasia, a 19-year-old Ukrainian girl, lives with her two-year-older boyfriend Emil, a truck driver from Poland. One day he decides to quit his job and, together with Kasia, start earning money by selling their intimate life on the Internet. They both make money on a website which offers the viewers live sex. Emil is having doubts when it comes to telling his father about this controversial line of work. Maciej Jankowski created a very bold documentary about young people who are looking for their place in life.
- Broken head / Zepsuta głowa42'
Andrzej has serious problems with drugs. He is locked in prison, at special unit for old offenders. In order to fight for relationship with his girlfriend, he decides to start therapy. During this journey, he discovers his own emotions, and realizes, existence of the different layers of his own internal life. A fight for a girlfriend, becomes also fight for himself. Will he succeed in this struggle?