Halvor Nitteberg

Born in Tromsø 1978. Studied film and media at NTNU, Trondheim and TV/Documentary director studies at Høgskolen i Lillehammer. Director and producer in several Oslo-based production companies since 2002. Since 1999 he has been producing music videos, shorts, and documentaries in his own company: Nitteberg Film & TV.Filmography:
Thea (2016)
Fredrik & Emily (2016)
Ella, Martin, Charlotte & Martin (2015)
Dangerr (2002)
La Vie, la Mer, la Mort, l'amour (2001)
Face to face (1999)
- "Thea" D: Halvor Nitteberg, CI: Øystein Mamen, ED: Anette Stålem Flittig, Elisabeth Aspelin, NO 201613’31”
Thea is 12 years old. She likes to play football and to be with her friends. But why does she want to grow up to be an air ambulance pilot? Thea has a serious and dramatic type of epilepsy, but in this film she shares her thoughts about the things that she enjoys in her life. We follow Thea and her parents through a long hospital stay one winter, followed by her homecoming. At the hospital there is a school. During woodwork class she makes a gift for someone very special to her.